For the next instalment of The Piston movie night series we feature two silly and dark humoured films to please your sick and twisted minds!
Please join us for this cold and dreary month's presentation of:
-8pm Eating Raoul 1982 dir/ Paul Bartel
Taken from Rotten Tomatoes:
"Dark, wild and silly cult comedy."
"Eating Raoul is a lively black comedy about the aftershocks of the sexual revolution in America."
-10pm Female Trouble 1974 dir/ John Waters
Taken from Rotten Tomatoes:
"Deeply offensive in virtually every way, this film is a trashy delight that is also a perfect introduction to John Waters' early work."
"If you are looking for a film to unearth your deepest, most subconscious fears-and to stretch the boundaries of your comfort zone-then Female Trouble is for you."
*Please note these films are both in bad, yet funny (for people with a sense of humour) taste.
*This is a free event - doors at 7pm
Piston will have a few treats like popcorn and donuts but feel free to bring your own snacks.
In case you're wondering, yes, we have seating (Adirondack type plastic chairs) on the dance floor for viewing.